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Preparing for Your Job Interview

Preparing for Job Interviews

Have you recently landed a job interview?  If you have, when is your interview scheduled?  If your interview is scheduled to take place in a few days or even in a few hours, are you prepared for it?  What you may not know is that most job applicants aren’t.  To make sure that you are prepared for your job interview, continue reading.

When it comes to hiring an applicant many interviewers place a lot  of stock in personal appearance.  This focus on personal appearance doesn’t just focus on dress sense but also on overall appearance.

Dressing For Interview

 Employers want to hire workers who will give their business a good public perception. That is why it is important that you give a good perception, especially in an interview.  When attending a job interview, you will want to make sure that you are professionally dressed, either in a suit, dress or skirt and blouse for ladies.  Make sure that your hair is neat and tidy.  In fact, if possible and practical, you may want to think about buying a new outfit or getting your hair done before your interview is scheduled to take place.

Preparing ahead of interview

Ahead of your job interview, make sure you have put together a few questions to ask  the interviewer. It also creates a good impression if you come along with a pen and paper prepared to take notes during your interview.  If you’ve applied for several jobs you may have multiple interviews scheduled. 

Take Interview Notes

Taking notes during your interviews will help you keep all of them straight.  Also, taking notes during a job interview  shows you are genuinely interested in the job.  It is also shows a side of you that says “I am professional and always prepared.”

One of the things that is  very rarely done is sending out a thank you note to your interviewer.  A thank you note may also help to create a good, positive impression.  If you do decide to send out a note, try to do it within a day or even a few hours after your interview. If you have been invited to interview via an agency, make sure you ask them to pass on your feedback which should show enthusiasm and interest in the employer’s job.

Practice some interview questions

A job interview is where hiring employers will want to learn as much as they can about you. This is often done by asking a series of questions. The questions that you are asked during a job interview will tend to vary, but are most likely to focus  on area such as your experience, skills, knowledge, goals and work ethics. 

For instance, you may be asked to describe your strengths and weaknesses, your career goals and work experience relevant to the job role you have applied for.  Even if  you are expecting these questions, it can still be nerve-wracking when they are actually asked. That is why you may want to do several practice interviews.  These practice interviews work best with another person, like a family member or a friend, but you can also do them by yourself, in front of a mirror.  Practicing your responses before a job interview is one of the best ways to make sure that your answers come out exactly the way that you want them to.

The above-mentioned preparation tips are just a few of the many that you may find useful, when it comes to preparing for a job interview.  If you are hoping to schedule multiple interviews,  it is always best to have a  job  search planner so that you can keep track of all the interviews you’ve applied for so that you are prepared at a moment’s notice  for a job interview should one arise.

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