Hi, I'm Yvonne.

I'm an executive Career coach.

I'm Yvonne and I'm here to tell you that you don't have to feel stuck any more. Working with me you’ll learn EXACTLY how to land the career of your dreams. No more struggling to muster up the energy for yet another Monday.



caREER Planning


Job interviews

Job search



About Yvonne

Whether you are looking to find a new job or a complete career change, LinkedIn is the single best place to do it. It is estimated that 80% of the members of LinkedIn are decision makers which means that these are people who can help you to advance your career.

Here are five tips that you can use to improve your LinkedIn profile:

We all know that the world of work we live in today is subject to constant change. Being able to adapt and change to the needs of your organisation or sector are key to creating a futureproof career.

Below are my 4 top tips to help you futureproof your career

Sheryl Sandburg once said, ‘In the future there will be no female leaders, just leaders’ and whilst this is an aspiration that many of us can relate to, we are not there yet.

The photo you select for your LinkedIn profile is very important. One of the main ways that we decide whether to trust someone or not is based on their face. If you do not include a photo in your profile, you could be overlooked for potential career or job opportunities. Lets explore how to make […]

Leadership is about inspiring, motivating and influencing others to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Here are three ways in which you can stand out as a leader. Learn How Be A Good Listener   A big part of being a great leader starts by being a good listener. This means […]

For many of us, once we make the decision that we’d like to move on from our current career to a new one, we are plagued with doubts.  It’s a big step and one that you want to get right first time if you can. In looking at what we want to do next, it’s […]

Thinking about a career change and making the move from one career to another can be seen as quite an undertaking. Taking the steps needed to make the change a reality require certain mindset tools we need to either have or develop. These tools are often at the heart of why we end up not […]

Even in organisations where career development conversations do take place, it does not always mean that they are done effectively, consistently or done well. So, what gets in the way of us having good career conversations? These are some of the most common barriers to the career conversation. The manager isn’t sure if it’s important […]

Have you recently landed a job interview?  If you have, when is your interview scheduled?  If your interview is scheduled to take place in a few days or even in a few hours, are you prepared for it?  What you may not know is that most job applicants aren’t.  To make sure that you are […]

  Are you on LinkedIn? Many job seekers already regard LinkedIn as their most valuable social media platform and new features are being added all the time, Staying up to date with LinkedIn can help you land your next position The following 7 steps will help you  take your LinkedIn job search to the next […]